Can you believe it's AUGUST already!! I know me either😔 This summer has gone by entirely to fast. For the first time, in ever probably, I'm not ready to send my kiddos to school. We've had a very lazy summer. Visiting family is pretty much all we've done😄 besides the yearly dr visits for Jo😝 Oh and we bought us a house!!! Yeah😄😃😀
In June we went to see Jo's cardiologist: Great Report😀
But of course drs have to give you something to worry about😕
that's what there their for after all, right😬😳
Since Jo is starting school, yes you read that correctly, more on that in a bit! Anyway I asked the doc if we need set some limits or watch for anything. He said "heart wise no, heart looks great🙌👏🙏 but these kids start developing lung issues and such once they start school👎😩😫" So now I'm worried that we will have a lot of curve balls thrown at us. After all that is Jo's specialty😉
In July we went to see the eye dr, got great report. No change in his eyes, other then him being a stubborn boy it was a great visit😊.
My BABY starts school in 2 yes 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm so not ready for this😭😢 I really try my best not to think about it. I do pretty good, but those moments when I do think about it, panic is not even close to what I feel!! I really hope he can enjoy school and not have to be home sick more days then he is actually in school!!