Thursday, December 22, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!!

Joseph has been in and out of the hospital for the past month:( Which makes for a TOTAL(brace yourself) Almost 9 months altogether:( So this week as i was getting the house ready for Christmas and amidst all the dr and therapy appointments. I have been enjoying the cleaning and chaos of our everyday life:) Because they are so much more fun then sitting in a hospital room. I'm trying my best to let things go that people are having a hard time understanding. So i'm going to vent a little bit, if i upset anyone, i'm sorry it is not my intention, i'm just having a hard time crasping why it can't be left alone that we aren't coming to seminole for Christmas. It is very hard on us not being able to be with family, especially at this time. We miss everyone and Love all of You!!! I don't want Joseph to get sick, he has been battling something for the pass 6 weeks and is finally his happy self again. I know he can get sick here as well as there, but the difference is here he only gets out of the house for dr visits and only if the weather is decent, to get there we have to take him out in freezing cold air which irriates his lung diesease, he's already wheezing a tiny bit by just getting out for yesterdays visit. So PLEASE stop asking us to come our mind is made up!!!! and you just make it so much harder on us by not letting it be. If you want to see us so bad come visit us, we would be glad to have you. Be thankful for your healthy kids each and every day!!! I know i'am, because it is very hard when they are not:( Merry Christmas and have a blessed and happy new year:)

I'm going to be enjoying some much needed quality time with my kids, after all 9 months of the past year they haven't had a mommy and also some time with my hunny who also has been without a wife:(

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