Thursday, May 8, 2014

July 3, 2012

We have had a busy 2 weeks in our house. Joseph decided he wanted to heat things up around here, as if the weather wasn't doing a good enough job at that. He had a gagging episode on June 22, he really needs to learn to give mama better present's:( That's how i ended my B-day, jumping out of bed, dashing into his room, to help him get the stuff out:/ Went to our buddie's 2nd b-day the next day in the evening. Sunday he had a runny nose with a cough here and there, tried my best to keep mama bear at bay, but by 11 that night he was just getting worse by the minute. So a little after midnight, I decided to take him to the E.R here in town. They did a great job at taking care of him, he was admitted on monday morning and got home on tuesday. The doc said it was his reactive airway's. He loved being home so much that he started walking big distance's with out falling down:) Then this past weekend he started running a fever. He was already on antibiotic's, so i knew it had to be a virus, and the dr confirmed it today when they did a CBC, and it came back perfect:) He also wants him on breathing treatment's twice a day from now until who know's when:( and to see him every 3 month's. I didn't want this for him, but i'm thankful to God for it being something we can manage:)
I'm without my oldest 3 this week, they went to spend the week at grandmas. It's nice to have this quality time with joseph, especially since he hasn't been feeling very well. But I do miss my kids a great deal. They are a handful most of the time, but i sure do enjoy there company and the busyness that they bring.
Well that's all for now:)

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